希腊品牌CANDIA 是一家家族经营公司,半个世纪以来一直在全球范围内提供卓越的睡眠体验。品牌选择高端天然材料,以打造非凡的睡眠体验。他们是全球第一家也是唯一一家使用橄榄油处理床垫面料的公司。这项专利为织物提供 100% 天然抗菌保护。 与大规模生产线生产的产品不同,CANDIA 敢于与众不同,坚持他们的信念——只有一种方法可以创造出真正的杰作:手工!没有什么能取代定制产品的质量和无与伦比的感觉。与 CANDIA 合作,他们将为您提供 100% 手工制品的优势,在您喜欢的任何尺寸上提供长达 25 年的保证,以及极其广泛的价格范围。
The use of horse hair offers natural elasticity and proper management of humidity. The use of viscose with the Olive Oil treatment, give the Olympus view a unique support and a luxury feel.
The handmade IONIAN BREEZE mattress has a total of 8,407 springs. The combination of the 3 special springs, Pocket, Posturefit & HD, contributes to a better distribution of the body weight, reducing t ...
Unique ventilation of the mattress with the use of Latex with coconut and antibacterial protection. The total of 950 springs provides an ideal support for the spine.
The flagship of the BODYFIX collection, CRETAN SPIRIT, with a total number of 19,172 springs and the use of luxurious natural materials, such as cashmere and bamboo, softly touches & supports every pa ...
The handmade ATHENIAN CULTURE mattress is the new mattress of the Bodyfix collection. With its unique double layer of the Cotton Calico Pocket Springs, with a height 32 cm and natural materials such a ...
The handmade AEGEAN SUNSET mattress, only natural materials are used such as, coconut fibers and cotton wool, as well as the viscose fabric with the treatment of Olive oil, offering a unique feeling o ...